Reversing a linked list means re-arranging the next (connection) pointers. Head will point to the last node and the first node will point to NULL. Direction of other next pointers will change.
If a linked list looks like this:
After reversal, it will look like:
Logic to Reverse a Linked List
- Take the first node out of the linked list. One new pointer will point to the first node and the head will move to the next node.
- Insert the node at the from of the new list.
- Repeat previous two steps until all nodes move to the new list.
- Pointer the head of the original linked list to the first node of the new list.
Reverse Linked List Program
/* * File name: test.c * Compile: cc test.c * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node{ int val; struct node *next; }; void print_list(struct node *head) { printf("H->"); while(head) { printf("%d->", head->val); head = head->next; } printf("|||\n\n"); } void insert_front(struct node **head, int value) { struct node * new_node = NULL; new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if (new_node == NULL) { printf("Failed to insert element. Out of memory"); } new_node->val = value; new_node->next = *head; *head = new_node; } void reverse_linked_list(struct node **head) { struct node *new_head = NULL; /*head of the reversed list*/ struct node *tmp = NULL; while(*head) { tmp = *head; /*tmp points the first node of the current list*/ *head = (*head)->next; /*Insert tmp at the front of the reversed list.*/ tmp->next = new_head; new_head = tmp; } *head = new_head; } void main() { int count = 0, i, val; struct node * head = NULL; printf("Enter number of elements: "); scanf("%d", &count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { printf("Enter %dth element: ", i); scanf("%d", &val); insert_front(&head, val); } printf("Initial List: "); print_list(head); reverse_linked_list(&head); printf("Reversed List: "); print_list(head); }
This program first takes input of integers and put them into a linked list using insert_front() function. Then the reverse_linked_list() is called to reverse the list.
Here is the output of the program.
Using Three Pointers
Instead of constructing a new list, we can reverse a linked list with the help of three pointers.
Logic to Reverse a Linked List Using There Pointer.
- Initialize three pointers, prev to NULL, cur to head and next to head->next.
- Until cur becomes NULL, assign next to next->next, cur->next to prev, prev to cur and cur to next.
- At the end point head to prev.
Here is the modified reverse_linked_list() function.
void reverse_linked_list(struct node **head) { struct node *prev = NULL; struct node *cur = NULL; struct node *next = NULL; cur = *head; if(*head) next = (*head)->next; while(cur) { next = next->next; cur->next = prev; prev = cur; cur = next; } *head = prev; }
Read also: Sort a Linked List.
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